Adult Grief Resources
Both in-person and virtual support groups are currently being offered. Also in-person, telephonic, and virtual counseling sessions can be scheduled for the survivors of our patients. Click here for a useful tool created by our bereavement team: Finding Comfort. The resources below provide additional education and insight into healing from grief.
If you have a bereavement need, do not hesitate to contact us at 602-530-6970.
For the Mental Health and Suicide Crisis, call 988.

In grief, we are so lost in sadness, we don’t know how to help ourselves feel better. It starts with understanding what grief is and how it affects us. These special videos offer invaluable support as we work toward healing.
View Bereavement Videos in Spanish
- Disloyalty
- Four Key Facts About Grief
- Gentle Journaling for Confronting Loss...
- Gone But Not Forgotten: Creating a Memory Album
- Grief, An Unpaid Bill
- Helping Children Cope with Death and Grief
- Holistic Concept of Care
- Ideas for Letter Writing
- Love Means Never Having to Say Goodbye
- Memories
- Moments of the Healing Process
- Mourner's Bill of Rights
- Natural and Normal Grief Responses
- No Shortcuts to Mourning
- Not Forgetting
- Recognizing Your Own Progress through Grief
- Remarriage?
- Roles
- Self-Care Activities Inventory
- Suggestions for Helping Yourself through Grief
- The Four Tasks of Mourning
- Understanding Different Family Grieving Patterns
- Understanding Secondary Losses in Grief
- We Remember Them
- What to Do When a Loved One Dies
- Why Do I Feel Guilty?
- Sesame Street – When Families Grieve Toolkit
- Apoyo al duelo
- Autoevaluación
- Respuestas comunes del pesar
- Las cuatro tareas del duelo
- Entendiendo modelos diferentes llorando la perdida en su familia
- La Rueda de la Pena
- Habilidades para sobrevivir durante las fiestas
- Ceremonia conmemorativa para las fiestas
- Cómo encontrar consuelo en tiempos de incertidumbre
- Problemas que deben enfrentar los niños y sus familias
- Mantras conscientes para los días difíciles
- Sugerencias papa ayudarlo a transitar el duelo
- Pautas para entender las reacciones de los niños a la muerta
- Cómo ayudar a los niños a sobrellevar el dolor y la muerte
- Habilidades comunicativas eficaces
- La declaración de derechos del doliente
- Escribiendo un Diario Informal para Enfrentar
la Pérdida y Recuperar su Centro - Ideas para Escribir Cartas
- Sin Olvidar
- Entendiendo Pérdidas Secundarias en el Duelo
The following resources are available to order through our online store.
by Marty M. Tousley. An informative guide to help survivors understand and cope with the feelings and experiences they’re likely to encounter in the first year following the death of their loved one.
by Marty M. Tousley. A gentle and affirming guide to assisting others who are grieving, when we might not be sure what to say or what to do.
by Marty M. Tousley. A helpful and insightful guide for the family unsure of how to best meet the child’s needs when a death has occurred and a memorial service is to take place. This booklet includes explaining a funeral, a viewing or wake, cremation and body donation and other sensitive topics.
If you have lost a loved one, you may find our Bereavement Newsletters helpful.
If you are anticipating or coping with the loss of a beloved pet, it's often comforting to share with others on the same journey. Our Pet Loss Support Group is a monthly meeting led by a certified bereavement facilitator who understands and respects the special bond you have with your animal, and knows from experience how painful it can be when that bond is broken.