Why Hospice of the Valley

A legacy of caring.
Hospice of the Valley is Arizona’s leading provider of end-of-life care. We are among the nation’s oldest and largest not-for-profit hospices and remain committed to our original mission: Bringing comfort, dignity and compassionate care to our community.
You may think hospice is all about dying. But at Hospice of the Valley, we believe it’s about living. Our hospice team supports you… on your terms.
For dementia, cancer, lung disease and other diseases. Also culturally sensitive care tailored to various communities, including Hispanic, Jewish, LGBT and military veterans.
More doctors, nurses and nurses’ aides with national certification in hospice and palliative care than any other hospice in the state. Our staff consistently wins awards.
When patients need symptom management and family caregivers need a break, patients may stay for limited periods at one of our small, comfortable inpatient hospice homes, with locations Valley-wide.
End-of-life and respite care for seriously ill children and their families, including inpatient care at Ryan House, the Southwest’s only respite care home for children.
More than 200 volunteers and their four-legged friends visit patients and families, bringing cheer to all they meet.
To find not-for-profit palliative and hospice providers outside of Arizona, call 1-844-GET-NPHI (1-844-438-6744)