Community Fundraisers

Support Hospice of the Valley
Anyone—from kids to corporations, families to community clubs—can support Hospice of the Valley. We’re so grateful for the generosity and creativity of individuals and organizations in our community. Here are a few ideas for creating your own fundraiser:
- Host a bridge, mahjong, or bingo tournament.
- Give instead of get. In lieu of gifts, dedicate a birthday, holiday, or special occasion to supporting our patients and families.
- Have a “Jeans Day” at the office.
- Hold a walk, run or cycling event.
Before you begin planning your event, please submit an application.
Recent Events
Our heartfelt thanks to those who generously organized and participated in recent Community fundraising events for Hospice of the Valley.
- Bingo by Good Life RV
- Brews for Drew by Barnone, Joey and Chanel Bradfisch and the Walsh Family
- Bridge Marathon by the Wigwam Ladies Bridge Club
- Bridge Tournament by Trilogy of Power Ranch Bridge Club
- CK’s Tavern and Grill fundraiser by Mark Moushey
- Pilates Class by Club Pilates and Randi Graves
- Dick LaPorte Memorial Golf Tournament by Liar’s Korner Fishing Bait and Tackle
- Eagle Riders Toy Run and Charity Poker by Fraternal Order of Eagles Osborn Aerie #2843
- FedEx Cares fundraiser by FedEx
- Golf and Fishing Tournament by Valley Luna Restaurants and Jesse White
- Golf Tournament by R. T. O’Sullivan’s Sports Grill
- Golf Tournament by Sun Village Ladies Golf Club
- Grand Opening Sale fundraiser by J. McLaughlin
- Helping Hand Run by ASU Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity
- Holiday Fundraiser by United Wealth Management
- Johnny J. Nunez Memorial Golf Tournament by Jay Carlos Nunez
- March Madness by Spectrum Retirement
- Memorial Softball Tournament by East Valley Firefighter Charities
- Michael Reno MR13 Memorial Golf Tournament by David Dunn
- Music for Life Concert by Dave Hochstrasser
- Pie Contest and Snack Drive by Carlson Wagonlist Travel Inc.
- Rodeo and Bull Riding Clinic by Cody Custer and Family
- Sales “Round Up” by Paul’s Ace Hardware
- Silent Auction and Craft Fair by The Congregational Church of the Sun
- Trunk Show by Worth New York
- Women’s Seminar by She Shed Talks AZ