Pet Teams

Pet Parents: Dale Maughan and Karyn Alcala
Breed: Soft-Coated Wheaton Terrier
Birthdate: Dec. 24, 2021
Favorite toy, trick or activity: I love my squeaky duck, going on car rides, playing tag with dad and cuddling with mom.
Golden Retriever
My Human Partner:
Karen Davis
I've been an HOV Volunteer since:
My interests, hobbies & talents:
Flipping railroad ties, chasing lizards, walking and swimming.
My work at HOV:
I like going to different places and meeting new people. Sometimes I even get treats on my visits.
Standard Poodle
My Human Partner:
Virginia Ray Long
I've been an HOV Volunteer since:
My interests, hobbies & talents:
I was born in Snowflake, Arizona with many brothers and sisters. I’m sure I got the best forever home. I love my stuffed animals which I keep in my toy box when I’m not carrying them around and leaving them in special places. I love to sit in our front courtyard and greet neighbors as they go to and from work. Our parents have taught us to stay in the yard or driveway and everyone is always surprised how well we stay close to the house. I have lots of dog friends that say "hello" also. Above all however, my absolute favorite thing is to see if there are any treats on the kitchen counters when my humans leave us alone in the house. Bread is my favorite. Once I found a whole bag of hotdog buns – they were great, though my humans were not too happy about it for some reason.
My work at HOV:
I have a brother, Louie who has taught me so many things including being a therapy dog. Since he was a therapy dog for Hospice of the Valley first, he told me how much happiness it brings to do this job…making people smile is so great. The best part is all the hugs and kisses and petting I get. I love to snuggle up to people and that gets me lots of attention. It is a very important job – to look good, behave, and make people smile!
Moyen Poodle
My Human Partner:
Katy Romley
I've been an HOV Volunteer since:
My interests, hobbies & talents:
I love long walks, riding in the car, going to restaurants, floating in my backyard pool (yes, on my very own float) and hiking any trail in Arizona. I just love being around people especially my mom because I love her with all my heart.
My work at HOV:
Going to work with HOV gives me a big sense of purpose. I love listening and caring for the people I visit because they are so wise and have much to share. I’m told my cuteness overload makes their hearts soar!
Norwegian Lundehund mix
My Human Partner:
Dallas Enyeart
I've been an HOV Volunteer since:
My interests, hobbies & talents:
My identifying attributes to my breed are my six toes, wiggling ears and the constant quest for love! Each day I wake with enthusiasm to sniff out new adventures. I'm constantly with my owner, so my interests are broad. I enjoy going to the movies, parks, stores... basically getting out and stretching my legs. However, curling up with my owner is probably the best thing ever!
My work at HOV:
Being that I'm a novice volunteer with HOV, I modestly admit that I’ve only visited a few patients thus far. However, they tell me I’m already off to a great start. My patients adore me and I happily love them back in return. I will 'bark' that my future goal is to become a super star in aiding the heart and soul of those who want to grab onto my unconditional loving cuddles. I personally can’t get enough of the cuddles myself.
American Scottsdale Rescue Cat
My Human Partner:
Tracy Howell
I've been an HOV Volunteer since:
My interests, hobbies & talents:
Mainly, I'm a big fan of going outside. I like climbing trees, chasing bugs, and jumping high. My mom and I have a goal we are working on of me riding in the basket on her bike. When we are outside I approach almost everyone I meet because I am a super friendly boy. We took a vacation to California last year and I enjoyed watching the ocean from the condo deck.
My work at HOV:
I love working for HOV! I get to meet so many people and a lot of times I can sit on their laps or lay in bed with them and go to sleep. How many people can say that about their job? People are usually surprised to see me walk into their facility and walk on a leash to find our patient. It brings a lot of smiles and surprised looks! I don’t even mind taking long car rides to see HOV patients throughout the valley, as long as I’m not the driver.
English Golden
My Human Partner:
Julie Flynn
I've been an HOV Volunteer since:
My interests, hobbies & talents:
I love to go for rides in the car, visiting folks and playing frisbee. Pre-covid, my human, therapy dog brother and I visited dog beach in San Diego. That will always be my first love, especially diving into the waves.
My work at HOV:
I’m newer at this job than is my brother, Mulligan, who also works for HOV. I visit patients for HOV in a group home and in a larger assisted living facility and I love it!
Cocker Spaniel mix
My Human Partner:
Robert Parke
I've been an HOV Volunteer since:
My interests, hobbies & talents:
I am a member of the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, a Canine Good Citizen and a member of the HOV Pet Connections team. I previously visited with friends in Colorado until I came to sunny AZ with my dad. My breed is a mixture of Cocker Spaniel, Shi Tzu and Bichon Frise. I enjoy going on road trips, hiking and exploring new places. I may be petite, but I have a good time playing dog games including chase, steal the toy and tug.
My work at HOV:
What I relish more than anything else is meeting and visiting humankind. I am very affectionate and take great satisfaction in interacting with all people, especially those that need me the most. I am good at getting humans to give me attention, including but not limited to, rubs in all the right places. I am always ready to meet new folk and share some dog love.
My Human Partner:
Nancy Smith
I've been an HOV Volunteer since:
My interests, hobbies & talents:
Once a professional race dog, always a race dog. I love doing zoomies outside, running circles around the tree. I’m proud to say that I do it so much that I’ve made my own personal private racetrack. Afterwards I’m so beat that I come in and immediately jump onto the couch and go to sleep.
My work at HOV:
Something called a pandemic delayed my starting date with HOV. I can’t wait to do my visits to one of the HOV inpatient units and to patients wherever they live and need my lovin’. I’m just the right height for everyone to pet me from their bed, recliner or chair without having to reach down. I can be quite the Velcro dog as I love to be petted.
Yorkshire Terrier
My Human Partner:
Shelly Ince
I've been an HOV Volunteer since:
My interests, hobbies & talents:
I love spending time with my big sister Izzy and with my mom. My favorite place to be is anywhere Mom is!
My work at HOV:
I love going to visit our sweet person at the group home! She is always so happy to see me and gives me lots of “ear rubs”. I also like saying Hi to all the other residents when we are there.
Miki (a mix of Japanese Chin, Maltese and Papillion.)
My Human Partner:
Diane Bykowski
I've been an HOV Volunteer since:
My interests, hobbies & talents:
I love going for rides in the car and going for walks. I also love learning new tricks. My favorite past time is volunteering, especially for Hospice of the Valley.
My work at HOV:
I have been a therapy dog most of my life. I love going to Sherman house where I can visit with patients, families and even staff. Of course, cuddling with patients is the best. I also love visiting my HOV friends in a group home. I have been an HOV therapist most of my life...over 3 years.
My Human Partner:
Ed Berg
I've been an HOV Volunteer since:
My interests, hobbies & talents:
I feel like it’s my job to bring smiles to everyone's face. I even also help my human by becoming his service dog. Two great jobs at once!
My work at HOV:
When I was very young, my dad recognized that I have intuition about people and caring for them. I’m so proud and happy that he knew to make me a therapy dog and join Hospice of the Valley.