Music, Massage and Aromatherapy

A deeper connection.
Integrative therapies not only make our patients feel better but also become a new way to communicate when speech is no longer possible.
Music soothes the soul, sometimes tapping into memories otherwise inaccessible. A dementia patient may not be able to converse but can sing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” with gusto.
A cancer patient who struggles with pain may find relief in a massage therapist’s touch. It eases stiffness, improves circulation and flexibility, prevents pressure sores and elevates mood.
Aromatherapy quiets the senses, using natural oils extracted from flowers and plants to enhance psychological and physical well-being. An anxious patient may instantly calm after breathing the scent of lavender.
Trained and certified professionals provide these services to our patients, which are supported by fees, grants and donations.
For more information, call (602) 530-6900 or Contact Us.
Music has an almost magical effect on all of us—calming body, mind and spirit. See how our music therapy program is helping the Native American community at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center relax, reduce stress, and heal.