
Be in the present moment
Mindfulness practice helps people relax, focus and breathe, which calms the mind and body.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training has been studied scientifically and found to improve physical symptoms (such as chronic pain, high blood pressure, shortness of breath and insomnia) and to decrease emotional and psychological distress (such as anxiety and depression). Brain MRIs before and after an eight-week course show growth of temporal lobe areas (memory, emotional stability) and shrinkage of the amygdala (anxiety, anger, fear).
Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, a physicist trained at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, first developed the program in 1979. The course is now offered by medical centers, healthcare organizations and other sites around the world. Mindfulness was the topic explored by Anderson Cooper on CBS' 60 Minutes. National Public Radio did a story on how mindfulness can beat painkillers for treating chronic low back pain.
Mindfulness sittings are held weekly for the public and HOV staff. All are welcome. No fee and no registration, just drop in!

Saturday mindfulness gatherings on ZOOM
Saturdays from 9:30-10:30 AM
Free. All are welcome.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://hov.zoom.us/j/4869202119?pwd=eW5CUUFFS2hycU1PTVpRcjRlRnN3QT09
Meeting ID: 486 920 2119
Password: Sammy
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meeting ID 486 920 2119#
Passcode: 465411
Questions or help with Zoom? Contact Gill Hamilton at ghamilton@hov.org or 602-748-3692

Can't wait for a class? Listen to an audio recording and experience a relaxing session right now.

Gillian Hamilton is a physician with a doctorate in clinical psychology. She serves as Hospice of the Valley’s administrative medical director and is a CFM Certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher and practitioner. She is also certified in Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression through the UC San Diego School of Medicine.

Maribeth Gallagher is a doctor of nursing practice and psychiatric nurse practitioner. She directs Hospice of the Valley’s dementia program. She is a CFM Certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher and practitioner.

Kathy Melamed is a licensed clinical social worker and served as clinical communication director for Hospice of the Valley. She is a Mindfulness teacher.
“Mindfulness-based practice has been transformative for so many of our patients. It helps us respond to the inevitability of suffering and stay present with moment-to-moment experiences. By offering these courses, Hospice of the Valley is doing such important work.”
—Cynthia M. Stonnington, MD
The Mayo Clinic, Phoenix
“This class has helped me to be more present in the moment and enjoy life. I do not dwell on the stressors of work until the moment I have to, as a result, I enjoy my job again. Overall, I feel less stressed and anxious. Mindful meditation will be part of my life, for the rest of my life.”
—A physician participant
“I suffer from anxiety and found this class to be life-changing in such positive ways. I find myself much more able to flow through my days with significantly less stress and much more awareness of my body and my mind, thus diminishing my stress in a way I did not think possible. ”
—A participant