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Hospice Care

We focus on the whole person.

That means we pay attention to your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. We put your wishes firsthonoring, respecting and listening to every patient and family we serve. Our team creates an individualized care plan just for you.

Team Members Include
Physician or Nurse Practitioner

Provides pain and symptom relief.


Visits weekly or as often as needed.

Nurse's Aide

Gives personal care such as bathing.

Social Worker

Offers emotional support and help with matters such as living wills.


Tends to spiritual needs.


Visits patients and provides breaks for the family caregiver.

Bereavement Counselor

Offers grief support and education.

Peace of mind

Hospice of the Valley is committed to providing comfort and dignity to all. We help patients spend their last days at home, surrounded by the things and people they love.



Medications, medical equipment and supplies related to the life-limiting diagnosis are covered by Medicare or insurance and delivered to the patient’s doorstep.

Patients can keep their own doctor. Our team works with the patient’s physician—or we can oversee care if that is desired. We come to your home, nursing home, group home, or our inpatient units. Our coverage area spans Maricopa and northern Pinal counties.

We offer specialized programs that go beyond the basics of hospice care to treat specific illnesses like heart and lung disease. We also provide caregiver support, integrative therapies, grief support and palliative care for people not yet ready for hospice.

We care for the patient AND support family members too.

Hear From
Miriam and Bob Green