(602) 530-6900  |  Locations

Classes and Support Groups

We are excited to offer in-person and zoom education classes and support groups for all members of the community. Join us to learn more about dementia and discover helpful resources. There is no cost, but registration is encouraged for each session.

You can find additional classes by visiting the Dementia Care and Education Campus website.

Dementia Care and Education Campus Classes

Ongoing Classes
Meaningful Connections

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 • 9–10 a.m.

Don’t miss this engaging presentation featuring seasoned improv actors who specialize in elevating the dementia caregiving experience. Explore the transformative power of improvisation and gain practical tools to enrich communication, deepen bonds and reduce stress.

Speakers: Professional IMPROV Actors Brian Sweis and Sally Jo Bannow

Dementia Care and Education Campus
3811 N 44th St., Phoenix, AZ 85018

Email events@dementiacampus.org or call (602) 767-8300

More Information

Volunteer comforting dementia patient
Dementia Experience and Education

Saturday, May 10, 2025 • Noon–3 p.m.
Walk-ins always welcome.

Participate in this interactive presentation featuring an 8-minute experience that presses participants to perform everyday tasks as if they were living with cognitive impairment. This simulation will be followed by a general review of the most common types of dementia and how progressive brain changes impact thinking, functioning and behaviors.

Dementia Care and Education Campus
3811 N. 44th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85018

Email events@dementiacampus.org or call (602) 767-8300

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Dementia Bytes

Thursdays, Noon–12:45 p.m.

We are excited to offer a virtual dementia education class for family caregivers every Thursday at noon. This class is offered during the lunch hour so that people who work during the day can have access to this vital support. Simply log in to Zoom and enjoy a weekly conversation to help you reduce your stress as you navigate the challenging dementia journey.

Format: 20 minutes of education followed by 25 minutes of general dementia Q&A. 

>> Click to Join Zoom
Meeting ID: 874 8226 4963
Passcode: 401031

More Information

Dementia patient at DCEC Memory Cafe
Memory Café

Mondays • 10–11:15 a.m.
Wednesdays, 2–3:15 p.m.
2nd Saturday of the month • 10–11:15 a.m.

Join us! Care partners enjoy stimulating conversation in educational and support sessions. People with dementia experience engaging activities provided by professional caregivers specially trained in dementia care. Registration preferred, but walk-ins welcome.

Dementia Care and Education Campus – Education Center Memory Cafe
3811 N. 44th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85018

Please call (602) 767-8300 or email MemoryCafe@dementiacampus.org

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Tone Up Tuesdays

1–2 p.m. Tuesdays
Open to all those with dementia and their care partners.

Research shows that staying active is one of the most important strategies to keep our brains healthy and strong. Far beyond strengthening our muscles, exercise provides enormous cognitive, emotional and social benefits. It sharpens our memory and attention, elevates the “feel good” hormones in the brain, supports independence and boosts our sense of confidence.

Dementia Care and Education Campus
3811 N. 44th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85018

Email events@DementiaCampus.org or call (602) 767-8300

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Joyful Jams

1–2 p.m. Thursdays
Open to all those with dementia and their care partners.

Music stimulates our long-term memory. Even throughout the course of dementia, we are still able to access favorite lyrics and tunes associated with happy memories. Research shows music has the power to tap into our emotions — decreasing agitation and anxiety, fostering socialization, providing relaxation, improving mood and so much more.

Dementia Care and Education Campus
3811 N. 44th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85018

Email events@DementiaCampus.org or call (602) 767-8300

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Online Support Groups
Female dementia patient with son
Dementia Care Partner Online Support Group

Every Wednesdays, noon – 1:00PM

Join other care partners while remaining in the comfort of your home to discuss the stresses, challenges and rewards of providing care for a person living with dementia.

This free virtual group is facilitated by Nicole Crothers, a skilled Hospice of the Valley medical social worker with over 20 years’ experience in dementia care.

Zoom: https://hov.zoom.us/j/95549983607?pwd=bnpuWWlsSStlZFVoNnJ2azJNRDlmZz09
Meeting ID: 955 4998 3607
Password: 562327

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Mindfulness Rocks Banner
Mindful Connections for Dementia Caregivers

Every Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Start your Tuesdays with a fresh focus! Join us for a virtual “wellness get-together.” After a 5–10-minute practice to help relax and refresh, we’ll discuss any questions around dementia and your heartfelt concerns as a caregiver.

Zoom: https://hov.zoom.us/j/94357763001
Meeting ID: 943 5776 3001
Passcode: 691016

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Memories of the heart...when a loved one dies of dementia

1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month

10:30 a.m.–Noon

To register, and for Zoom link, please call (602) 636-5390.

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Mindfulness Rocks Banner
Saturday Mindfulness

Saturday mindfulness gatherings on ZOOM

Saturdays from 9:30-10:30 AM
Free. All are welcome.

Zoom Meeting: https://hov.zoom.us/j/4869202119?pwd=eW5CUUFFS2hycU1PTVpRcjRlRnN3QT09
Meeting ID: 486 920 2119
Password: Sammy

To join by phone: 1-253-215-8782, then enter
meeting ID 
486 920 2119#
Passcode: 465411

Questions or help with Zoom? Contact Gill Hamilton at ghamilton@hov.org or 602-748-3692